Staff Self-Care

How many times have we found ourselves feeling stressed out because of our day to day? For many of us, quite often,for others, perhaps not so much. We are human; we feel, life happens, and we don't always have the best of days. This is a normal part of our human experience. The good news is that tough days don't last forever. Many of us take on many roles in our relationships with others; parent, guardian, caregiver, sibling, grandparents, teacher, student, colleague, employee, peer, friend, provider, and the list goes on. Truth of the matter is that we wear many hats. Too often we put the feelings, and needs of others first, thinking that doing something nice for others and meeting all our responsibilities is all we need to do to be well. Oftentimes, forgetting to put ourselves first, thinking that doing so is a selfish act. Today, we want you to know that self-care is a great way to give yourself a break, kindness and compassion. The helper needs nurturing too. As cliche as this may sound, we can't pour from an empty cup.

I invite you to take a moment to do something nice for yourself, whatever that is. I encourage you to continue your self-care activities, but if not, I encourage you to start doing some self-care. If you'd like some ideas, or want to try something new, take a look at the tips I've compiled for you.

Relax on

Self-Care & Wellness

The Wellbeing4LA Learning Center delivers a personalized and accessible learning environment that is available to learners at home, at work, or in transit. Designed for the workforce that supports the mental health and wellbeing of children, families, and adults within systems of care, the Wellbeing4LA Learning Center reflects the needs of each learner while prioritizing their professional wellbeing in and out of the workplace.

Wellbeing4LA Online Learning Center

Create an account on the Wellbeing4LA Learning Center and catch up on the series: Educators Overcoming Under Stress

Supporting students during the COVID-19 outbreak will promote a smooth transition to home-based learning. Review this collection to learn about ways to support students remotely during the COVID-19 virus outbreak.


Self-care Resources for Educators

Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others During the Pandemic: Self-Care and Stress Inoculation

IDMH: Institute for Disaster Mental Health

In this narrated PowerPoint presentation, Deputy Director of the Institute for Disaster Mental Health Dr. Karla Vermeulen speaks about how to care for yourself while also looking out for the well being of those around you during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Self Care Tips

Supporting Educators' Mental Health During High-stress Periods

A Guide to Self-Care while Social Distancing

Sleep Tips

Self Care Ideas (1) (1).pdf


Mindfulness in Education

2 Minute Breathing

10 Minute Meditation

5 minutes of relaxation

Muscle Relaxation

Laugh it Out

Teacher Appreciation Song

Homeschool Post-Observation Meetin....

Best Churdren’s Books Erver!

The Quarantine Song!

Get Creative

100 Art Therapy Exercises

Printable Coloring Pages

Digital Vision Board

Painting Tutorial

Experiment with Music

Journal from Anywhere

Get Cooking!

100 + Things to do Instead of Screen Time

Additional Resources

Lately, we are all having to deal with very challenging situations in our lives, but you are not alone. Below you will find some SISC resources to assist you in navigating through life's challenges.

SISC Value Added Flyer (2).pdf

FREE Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Employees and their family members can receive free, confidential assistance to help with personal and professional goals, manage daily stress, grief and loss, and so much more.

EAP services (just to name a few): Counseling services, Legal services, Financial services, and Work/Life services

There are also online resources on topics like depression, anxiety, stress management, weight management, etc.
Your personal information is kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws.

Accessing these benefits, is different for different classifications.


Employ Assistance Program for:

  • Teachers

  • Classified employees

Employee Assistance Program.pdf

Employ Assistance Program for:

  • Management

  • Board

  • Confidential

  • Nurses

  • Psychologists.

Copy of FACE_COVID-1.pdf


Teachers in Films

Favorite Teacher Moments

Being a Person of Influence


Happiness is Helping Others

Stay-at-Home Parent

Let Go of Guilt

Another Pep Talk from Kid President

Teacher Appreciation Week
May 2020

**Thank you to the entire West Wind Staff for all that you do. It does not go unnoticed. We appreciate you.**