Support Services

What is PBIS?

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is an organized, data-driven system of interventions, strategies, and supports that positively impact school-wide and individual behavior planning.

Using the most current best practices, strategic teams are trained to positively impact behavior at three key behavioral tiers: Universal or primary (whole school); Secondary (individual child or group of at-risk children); and Tertiary or Intensive (children with complex needs and behaviors that severely impact the child, school and/or community functioning).

The FIRST TIER in MTSS is universal supports. Approximately 80-85% of students do well with Tier 1 universal supports. Tier 1 Universal Supports for Linda Verde  students includes some of the following: 

The SECOND TIER in MTSS is Targeted Supports. Approximately 10-15% of students need targeted supports to increase their skill levels. Examples of Tier 2 supports can include: 

The THIRD TIER of MTSS is for Intensive Supports and approximately  5% of students may need intensive supports for academic and/or nonacademic needs at some point. If intensive supports continue to be unsuccessful, the MTSS team, which includes parents, may make a referral for a Section 504 or Special Education Evaluation. Examples of 3rd Tier interventions can include: Tier 3 relies on a team-based approach that includes: content (educators), intervention (e.g., school psychologist, behavior analysts), and student (e.g., student, family members) “experts” as well as school leaders (e.g., administrator).

Teams develop Tier 3 supports in any identified area of need (behavioral, social, emotional), regardless of(dis)ability, and (b) prioritize instructional and environmental (e.g., adding cues, providing specific feedback) changes to support the student (rather than changing the student to fit into the environment). This focus on redesigning environments reduces the likelihood of ineffective, reactive, or exclusionary responses to students’ demonstrated needs.

Respect  |  Optimistic  | Ambitious   | Responsible