Jack Northrop Shcool Counseling

Welcome Explorers! 

I am so happy you are here! My name is Mr. Livers and I am the school counselor at Jack Northrop Elementary School.  

This website was created with you in mind!

As your school counselor, I am motivated to stay connected and to continue providing social/emotional supports to all of the students at Jack Northrop Elementary School.  Please keep an eye out for upcoming counseling activities.  

If students or parent/caregivers would like to request counseling support for students please use the forms to the left to make the request. I will contact you by the end of the next school day. 

A School Counselor is a trusted adult kids can come talk to if they are having a hard time. 

If you need support outside of office hours:

Crisis Text Line: Text "HELLO" to 741741

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Trevor Project Lifeline (Available 24/7; Confidential Suicide Hotline for LGBT Youth): 866-488-7386

Emergency Situation: 911


Please understand that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed via phone conferences. We will make every effort to ensure a confidential conversation, and as always, we will notify the appropriate persons if any of the following come up in our conversation:

1. Someone is hurting you

2. You want to hurt someone

3. You want to hurt yourself

What can I find on this website?