

All families need support sometimes. On this page, we have compiled a list of common resources that families may need. If you have any questions or have a resource that could be added to the list, please contact us!

Heating Assistance

1-608-723-2136 Ext. 1125



Purchase food at a grocery store with a plastic "Quest Card". Monthly benefit amounts are based on net income and household size.



assistance with health care

Aiming for Acceptance

The Learning Center



A non-profit organization started by a group of rural community members wanting to help establish therapies, services, and support for those living with or serving those either on the Autism Spectrum or with Sensory Processing Disorders in rural southwest Wisconsin. The Learning Center is a sensory-friendly learning environment for all of Southwest Wisconsin.

Family Connections of Southwest Wisconsin


Family Connections is an organization that works for the betterment of children and families. Provide services to families and local communities in and around Grant County Wisconsin. Services include family visiting, parenting classes, workshops, support groups, weekly playgroups, parent-child interactive activities, respite care, family literacy, parent/provider resource and toy lending library, an online parenting forum, new baby visits, and Parents as Teachers Home Visiting Program and Attachment Home Visiting programs.

Grant County Department of Social Services


Family Services:

  • In-Home Therapy Team: therapists work with children with severe emotional disabilities in their home

  • Family Group Conference: a meeting where families and friends make plans for the well-being of the family

  • In-Home Parenting Services: trained parent aids come to your home and teach behavior modification skills, life skills, and other topics of interest to your needs

Coordinated Services Team: provides families access to needed support and services as well as ownership of their own plan 1-608-723-9763 (Sarah Digman)

Food Pantries

Call 211 for current information on food pantries in your area

Lancaster Food Pantry


Available Mondays & Thursdays 7pm - 8pm

225 W. Elm Street Lancaster

Grant County Health Department


School Services: Health screening-hearing, vision, scoliosis, blood pressure, dental health-fluoride mouth rise, health education and counseling with teachers, students, and staff

Schreiner Memorial Library


113 West Elm Street Lancaster

Children & Teen Programs

LIFT of Southwest Wisconsin


Leadership in Innovative Flexible Transportation

Rideshare program for SOuthwest Wisconsin. The LIFT program is a comprehensive transportation information service and rides referral agency for Southwest Wisconsin. For anyone, for any type of ride.

Platteville Family Resource Center, Inc.


Comprehensive services associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and attachment therapy. Psychological, and school special services. Comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis. Protective Capacity Evaluations. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Individual, couples, and group therapy, family therapy, school-based interventions, and parent information.