Classroom Rules
General Classroom Rules 2024-25
LMS 6th Art, 7th & 8th Yearbook & Digital Media
Classroom Expectations
1. Sit in assigned seat daily, prepared with all work and materials YOU MUST HAVE A PENCIL EVERYDAY!
2. Be respectful of yourself and others
3. All attention on teacher when he/she is speaking
4. Using an electronic device when it is supposed to be put up is not an option. (All Phones put away and Chromebooks will stay in backpacks unless Mr. Kuehne directs to use them, violations will be documented.)
5. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Masks must be worn in class.
1. Verbal redirection
2. Four unexcused Tardies will result in a Lunch Detention
3. Three Verbal Redirections in one class period – Lunch detention or Blue Card (Restricted use of Art Materials resulting in an alternate lesson and Citizenship grade will be lowered)
4. Call to parent/guardian - Blue Card – ISS remainder or Period
· 5. Possible Teacher / Parent/ Student conference
· Severe Infraction – Red Card Report to ISS remainder of Day
Immediate Red Card Referral Examples:
Vaping,Inappropriate language, fighting, intentionally destroying property, throwing objects in classroom setting, stealing from anyone, Inappropriate use of computer, etc. ISS assignments may differ from in classwork.
Cell Phone policy in class is posted in the LMS student handbook. Please take time and read it. All cell phones MUST be put in a student bag/backpack, etc. and turned off. If a student has their cell phone in a restroom it will result in an automatic referral to I.S.S. for one day, starting the first day of school.