Asynchronous Learning 2020

Parent Support

What is Asynchronous Learning?

Asynchronous Learning does not require all participants to be virtually present at the same time. Instructional delivery may include (but is not limited to), Self-paced online courses with intermittent teacher instruction, pre-assigned work with formative assessments in a learning management system (Google Classroom) or on paper as needed. For attendance purposes, students and/or parents will be required to communicate with teachers on a daily basis.

*Regular grading policies will still apply.

Asynchronous Attendance Requirements

For attendance purposes, students and/or parents will be required to communicate with teachers on a daily basis.

EVERY DAY the teacher must have a record of engagement in one of these 3 ways:

  1. Submission of work

  2. Progress in Google Classroom or online platform

  3. Communication of progress via student or parent

We appreciate your patience! Please remember that the teachers have limited time for contact since they have students attending in person classes as well as students learning at home. Teachers will clearly communicate the times that they are available.

You will want to check the teacher's websites for important information.

How to log into Google Classroom

See the video below:

Copy of How to Log into Google Classroom.webm

Tips for Families with English Learners
