Where can i schedule a COVID-19 test?

Tests are available at most health providers. Free testing can be administered at MSDH locations and appointments can be made online at the link on the home page. At Home Tests are available for purchase and can be used to test for infection. Since there is no reported result from an At Home Test, these tests are not eligible to receive 90 day immunity.

What is the point of testing for covid-19?

The most important reason to test is for you to know if you could pass the virus on and infect others when you are contagious. On top of that, with a positive test, after their quarantine, your child would not have to quarantine again for 80 days, even if they are considered a close contact. Per MSDH guidance, anyone with a positive, reported test is considered immune from COVID-19 for 90 days from their test date. This helps keep our children in the classrooms.

Is there a virtual option this year?

All schools in Lamar County School District are in the traditional setting, with face to face instruction for all students.

What shouLD I do if someone in my household is positive?

Email your school administrator and let them know someone in your household is positive. No matter your vaccination status, please monitor your symptoms and wear a cloth face covering for the recommended time.

is fever still an indicator of covid?

It is, but we are noticing many students do not have fever when they have COVID-19. The main symptoms which are reported are sinus/allergy issues, headache, loss of taste/smell, sore throat, and fatigue.

can my child participate in extracurricular activities on the last day of quarantine?

No. A full quarantine of 5 days and symptom free for 24 hours is required on all positive staff and students. Everyone is allowed back to normal activity on Day 6 if symptom free for 24 hours.

Are FACE COVERINGs required at SCHOOL?

Cloth face coverings are no longer required in the school setting unless the individual is remaining at school while deemed a close contact or returning after a positive test. A close contact should wear a cloth face covering for 10 days after exposure. Anyone returning on day 6 after isolation must continue to wear a cloth face covering for an additional 5 days.

how long should i wait to test my child if they are a close contact at school?

The MSDH recommends waiting until day 5 to test in order to get an accurate result. Sometimes, even when symptoms start, it is best to wait 1-2 days in order for the test to be accurate.

What day can my child return to school?

  • Students who are positive may return on the 6th day if they are symptom free.

  • Students who live in the home with a positive case are encouraged to test on day 5. If they are positive, their quarantine will extend, but they will have immunity for 90 days and will not have to quarantine again during that time period. If negative, they can remain in the school setting, wearing a cloth face covering for 10 days.

  • No one is allowed to return before day 6 if someone in their household is positive.

is wednesday still an early release day on traditional schedule?

No. Wednesday's will be a regular school day during the 2021-2022 school year.

What should I do if my child wakes up and is sick, but no fever?

We would ask that if your child has symptoms that could be COVID-19 related, please keep them home. Monitor their symptoms and consider testing them to make sure their sickness is not COVID-19. Anyone who is planning to test for COVID-19 or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms should stay home.