saint mark's church

This church was dedicated to St. Mark, patron of Venice, after the help given by that city in the war against Frederick Barbarossa in the 12th century. 

However, the first mention of the church dates back to 1254, when the Augustinians built a Gothic style church with a nave and two aisles by re-using a pre-existing building.

The church was heavily modified in the Baroque style during the 17th century, when it became the largest church in the city after the Duomo di Milano.

The bell tower dates back to the 14th century. It was restored and completed in 1885. The interior, which is in the Baroque style, has a nave and two aisles.

Martin Luther and the young Amadeus Mozart used to attend this church. To this day, the place hosts annual concerts in their honour.

Also, inside the church you will find the painting Madonna with Child in her Arms, which is one of the results of the Leonardo da Vinci's Master School.