Antica Farmacia

The area from Borgonuovo to Via Mercato used to be called "Contrada dei Fiori" in the 1800s. Those "flowers" were distinguished in "light flowers" and "dark flowers", as a reference to the two road sections of Via Brera.

At the end of via Fiori Oscuri you can find the oldest pharmacy of the city, the “Farmacia di Brera” ("Braida dei Fiori Oscuri"), founded in 1591 by the Jesuit Fathers. In its courtyard there is a huge bronze pestle that hosts a small plant, in the background the busts of two spouses pose on column trunks.

It became famous because of the creation of the Elisir of China and because it dispensed free medicines to the poor of the city. 

It is a must-see because it holds a lot of history.

Passing in this little road, it is impossible not to stop and read the short story on the plate next to the portal.