Archeology Museum and Circus Towers

This wonderful museum stands on the ruins of an ancient Roman villa, near the circus and the imperial palace. Two of the circus towers are still standing and have been repurposed many times over the past centuries. 

The towers are considered to have been at one end of the circus, while the ruins we will visit in the first part of the tour were at its other end. The circus building was incredibly huge and, as you can imagine, there are plenty of stories we want to tell you about what happened in this building.

The towers led to the prisons, as well as to the pens of the prize horses that participated in the shows at the circus. The emperor exited his residence and showed himself to the Milanese from these very towers. This was an important show of imperial power, as only the most important cities had a circus. The walls and towers also had a strategic relevance in the event of military campaigns, being the strongest defense for the citizens. 

The museum, Saint Maurizio's Church and the Towers are among the most valued and relevant buildings of our beloved Milan. If you want a glimpse into the magnificent past of our territory, you should choose this tour.