Meet the Teacher

Hello, I'm Ms. Tuttle!

I am so excited to be your teacher this year and spend this time learning and growing with you! Here is a little bit of information about me.

I and have a wonderful little boy named Brekken. Brekken is 5 years old and attends Kindergarten right here at Lake. We also have an almost 2-year old German Shepherd named Ranger. Although I am very busy with my family, in my free time I enjoy reading, exercising and spending time outside.

This will be my 10th year of teaching. I taught for 4 years at a charter school called Bennett Venture Academy before coming to Lake. I have been teaching 4th grade at Lake for the last 5 years. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia and a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Teaching from the University of Cincinnati.

Fun Facts about Me:


  • My favorite things are: Harry Potter, The Grinch and anything Disney!

  • My favorite colors are black and white.

  • I love to read all types of books.

  • My favorite candies to snack on are Starbursts and Twizzlers.

I also love Dr. Pepper and Cherry Dr. Pepper

Contact Me!

Mrs. Jherilyn Tuttle

(419)661-6680 ext. 3842

Find me on the Lake App too!