Mrs. Clark's Second Grade

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This Week's Information


       Mrs. Clark's Odds and Ends 


      June 24, 2024

Final 2nd Grade Edition for the 2023-2024 School Year!

Good Morning.

Well, we did it!!! We have one more day to meet as a class and then the kiddos head off to 3rd grade, while I get ready to finish out my last year at LPES, in 2nd grade.  

It has been a good year and I have enjoyed the last few months when you realize just how much growth was made over the last 180 days. The animal reports showed me that they are truly ready and have the ability to accomplish the tasks required next year (Everyone completed it!!!).  They just need to "PUSH THROUGH" and remember "YOUGOTTAWANNA" in order to reach your goals!!!

The children have become readers and as a teacher it seems wrong to tell the children to put away their books, but many times that was the case in order to complete a lesson.  For some, every time they had a chance they would pick up a book and read!  Many began their journey to complete the 46'er Book Challenge and a few have read over 10 out of the 46 books already! There is still time to join in on this challenge seeing as they have until the end of 5th grade to complete it.  At the beginning of 3rd grade, Mrs. Haney will be talking with the students and signing up the children who want to give it a shot.  I can't wait to hear those names over the intercom as they reach the benchmarks along that journey. KEEP ON READING!!!

Another accomplishment I enjoy seeing the students do is to work out math problems either on paper, but especially when they use mental math( at the appropriate times) to come to an answer.  I love watching them roll their eyes and look to the sky as they try to figure out a problem in their head!  I also love to see the smile on their faces as the light bulbs shine over their heads when they know they did well!  KEEP PRACTICING THOSE MATH FACTS!   We want to continue seeing those shining light bulbs next year!!!

Parents, I want to thank you for your support this year!!! The year, as usual, had its ups and downs in the classroom, but we all "Pushed Through" the tough, rough and hard times and put our minds into accomplishing what needed to be done! Here is the link to the book we used as our mantra every day, to help us realize we can do whatever we put our minds to .

I am very pleased with the class and my wish for them is to continue to follow the school's core values of being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE while working hard to be their best!  This will help them continue to have a positive school experience, to learn a lot, and be productive adults along whatever path they choose to take! 

Please make sure the students bring their empty backpacks tomorrow so that they can pack up anything that is left in the classroom.  Don't forget they have the option of bringing home a bagged lunch (PB & J, ham or turkey sandwich) if they want to. Thanks again for everything you have done to support the children and their learning, while in my class.

Have a wonderful summer and feel free to have the children email me and let me know what they are doing and what good books they have read!  They need to remember my buzzword, YOUGOTTAWANNA, to remind themselves they can do anything if the "wanna" do it!


Mrs. Clark

Important Dates 

June 24- Last Day for Students-Early Release @ 11:30 

        -Bagged lunches will be available to take home. The choices are PB & J, Ham or

          Turkey sandwiches.

June 24- 5th Grade Celebration after dismissal of other students

June 25- Time to enjoy your summer!  READ LOTS!!!

Important Dates

Important Dates 

I always like to let you know when I have a planned absence so that if things seem a little different on those days, that is why. 

Important Dates 

June 24- Last Day for Students-Early Release @ 11:30 

        -Bagged lunches will be available to take home. The choices are PB & J, Ham or

          Turkey sandwiches.

June 24- 5th Grade Celebration after dismissal of other students

June 25- Time to enjoy your summer!  READ LOTS!!!

This Month's Menus and Calendar

June Bfast ES (1) (1).docx

June Breakfast Menu

June Lunch ES (2).docx

June Lunch Menu

June Calendar.docx

June Calendar


Coming and Going to School

7:25 - Early Drop Off

8:15-2:50 - Student Day

8:00-3:25 -Teacher Day

8:25 - Student Considered Late

1:30 - Latest Guardian Can Call to Change Transportation

2:30 - Latest Guardian Can Pick up Child in Office

2:50 - Dismissal for Student Walkers and Bikers

2:55 - Dismissal for Pick-Up Loop Students

3:00 - Dismissal for Bus Students

3:25 - Late Bus

Our Daily Schedule

8:15-8:55 - Attendance, Morning Project, and Morning Meeting

8:55-9:40- ELA Block 

9:40-9:55 - Snack/Read Aloud

9:55-10:55 - Math

10:55-11:25 - ELA RTI

11:25-11:40 - Catch-Up/ Prep for Recess

11:40-12:00 - Recess

12:00-12:25- Lunch

12:30-1:10 - Specials

1:10-1:40 - Math RTI

1:40-2:10 - Word Study

2:10 - 2:40 - Science/Social Studies

2:40-2:50 - Pack Up

2:50-3:00 Dismissal

Our Specials Schedule

Day 1- Physical Education- (Please wear sneakers!) and Wellness with Mrs. Brown

Day 2- Art  and Technology

Day 3- Library- Please bring Library books!

Day 4- Physical Education - Please wear sneakers! 

Day 5- Art

Day 6-Music

Mrs. Clark's 2024-2025 Second Grade Family

Charleigh A.

Declan B.

Wyatt B.

Edis C.

Remy E.

Alijana D.

Harmony F.

Harper K.

Sawyer N.

Owen S.

Norah S.

Myla Y.

School Supplies Needed 2023 - 2024

Mrs. Clark’s 2nd Grade Supply List


Lake Placid Elementary School Students


These are some important tools that you will need so you can learn, have fun, and practice new skills. I have also listed supplies to have on hand at home. Don’t forget to put your name on EVERYTHING that you bring to school! 

Student Supplies to keep on hand at home:

Student Supplies to Bring: 

Some of the above items will need to be replenished throughout the year. 

If you would like to help the classroom with items that we use often, feel free to bring in one or more of the items off of our wish list. Any donation would be greatly appreciated! 

Classroom Wish List: 


Thank you!!!

Mrs. Clark J

Who is Mrs Clark?

     Hi!  I'm Mrs. Clark and this is my 23rd year teaching at Lake Placid Elementary School and it is my 9th year in second grade (I taught 3rd grade prior).   Prior to being a teacher at LPES, I taught 1st grade at Holy Ghost in Tupper Lake for two years and before that I was a substitute at LPCSD for many years while I finished my college courses.

     My husband and I are natives and both graduated from Lake Placid Central School.  We LOVE living here! We have  two wonderful children who graduated from LPCSD and are now off to meet the world head-on, YIKES!  We also have a very loving dog, named Colvin (named after Verplank Colvin, the man who surveyed the Adirondacks in the late 1800's).

    I enjoy spending time with my family playing games, boating, and catching up on a good movie.  I also like to cross country ski, bike ride, mow, do puzzles ( jigsaw and pencil puzzles like Sudoku and crosswords) , read and enjoy the outdoors, especially my flowers in the summer.  You will also never find me without my morning coffee!

    I am looking forward to getting started teaching and learning this year!  I know we will have a great year and work toward doing the best we can do, to be the best we can be!  My buzzword is YOUGOTTAWANNA!  If you want to do something you will find you can do it with practice. You may not know something YET,  but YOUGOTTAWANNA try!