Classroom Rules 

1. Be prepared to learn

2. Raise your hand to speak

3. Be Positive 

 4. Be honest

5. Be kind and respectful

6. Try your best!

Behavior Plan  

"Mystery Walker"
Each day when we are in the hallway, I will choose a MYSTERY WALKER. This individual will have the opportunity to earn an Mystery Walker coupon for making smart choices in the hallway and will earn a dollar towards their GARRIGAN GREEN.
"GARRIGAN GREEN"When students are caught being role models, being bucket fillers, and/or making good choices, they have the opportunity to earn a GARRIGAN GREEN Dollar. When they earn 10 GARRIGAN GREEN Dollars they will earn a prize from the prize box.
"FUN FRIDAY" (Class Incentive)When the class is caught making "smart choices" as a group, they will earn letters for FUN FRIDAY. This will result in students getting to participate in a center activity of their choice. Thank you in advance for supporting the 3rd Grade Behavior Plan. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have :)