Behavior Plan

Making Smart Choices...

I believe that all of my students can and will behave appropriately when at school. I will not allow any student to stop me from teaching and/or any student from learning. We will treat our classroom as our home away from home and the people in our classroom as our “school family”. We will support and encourage each other in all that we do, and we will expect the best from one another. In order to guarantee your child and all children in my classroom the productive learning environment they deserve, I will be utilizing the following discipline plan.

Classroom Rules

1. Listen when Mrs. Longo is talking.

2. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.

3. Follow directions quickly.

4. Be safe, be kind, be respectful and be honest.

5. Always try your BEST! :)

  1. Students receive a “stick” next to their name, which is displayed on our classroom behavior chart. Each child begins the day with a green stick representing good behavior. Before any sticks are moved, I will state a verbal warning.

  2. Green Stick = Great behavior for the day! A behavior buck is earned!

  3. Yellow Stick = Warning student about their behavior.

  4. Red Stick = Letter or picture of apology & phone call home.

(A serious behavior infraction could result in an immediate visit to the office for further disciplinary action).

Positive Incentives:

    1. Students who stay on “green” for the day will earn a “behavior buck” which will go into their individual banks.

    2. Individual Banks: Students will earn "behavior bucks" throughout the day as they are caught making smart choices and using kind words to peers. On Friday we count our behavior bucks earned and trade them in for a reward in our class store. We have $2, $4, $6, $8 and $10 prizes! The prizes change weekly and students will be notified if their is a "sale" at our class store. The big hit is our $10 prize which is a DESK PET! Students will create a habitat for their class pet chosen and it will remain on their desk for the entire week! So cool!

    3. Each time our entire class receives a compliment, we automatically earn a letter on the whiteboard which spells out a class party. Students also earn "fun centers" and a movie during snack when they receive all the letters on the whiteboard.

    4. Lucky Duck – I have a Lucky Duck bowl found by my classroom door. Before leaving the classroom, I secretly choose a “Lucky Duck” for that trip down the hall. No one knows who it is, so everyone tries to do their best to walk quietly. If the “Lucky Duck” is following our hall habits all the way to our destination, they will earn a prize!