Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities:


You have the RIGHT to a safe environment.

You have the RESPONSIBILITY to follow safety rules.


You have the RIGHT to voice your opinion.

You have the RESPONSIBILITY to respect the opinions of others.


You have the RIGHT to use school books, materials, and equipment.

You have the RESPONSIBILITY to treat others fairly.


You have the RIGHT to a good education.

You have the RESPONSIBILITY to do your best. 


It is important that you take advantage of your time in class.  You also have the responsibility to not infringe on the rights of others. Following teacher directions the first time they are given will help you to reap the amazing rewards of your education.

First Offense: Warning

Second Offense: 5 min. Student / Teacher Conference after school.

Third Offense: 10 min. Student / Teacher Conference after school and completion of a Think Sheet.

Fourth Offense: 10 min. Student / Teacher Conference after school, completion of a Think Sheet, and Parent Contact.

Fifth Offense: Administrative Referral


Sixth Offense / Severe Clause: Main Office Referral / Parent Contact 


Cell Phone Policy in Room 28:

Cell Phones remain out of sight.

1st offense: Warning

2nd offense: Phone goes into teacher desk drawer

3rd offense or non-compliance: Student referred to main office