The Fantastic Fives


General reminders:

*This site will get updated with photos monthly and it will be a great way for you to have a window into what we're working on from afar.

*Students should be dressing for cold/wet weather every day as we're aiming to get outside as much as possible at break times!

*Please help your child remember their charger each day as we often have to scramble to charge computers that 'die' during class. Also, headphones should stay at school if possible.

*Homework should get 'turned in' on Google Classroom every Thursday evening, we review our homework word problem and spelling work on Friday mornings before the spelling quiz.

Welcome to Grade Five!

My name is Susan Adams and I'm the lucky Grade Five teacher at Lakecrest this year. Please get in touch if you have any questions as our year together gets underway:

PE days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Music days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library Day: Wednesday.

Please Note: Most of the information that students will need (homework, assignments, links to our learning, etc.) will be posted on our class' Google Classroom ( code is kqyzph2 ) this year so students working remotely and in class can access what we're working on in one place and in real time.

September 24th, 2020

Thanks parents for coming to our 'Meet the Teacher' night! If you want to review the information slideshow or if you weren't able to attend our virtual meeting, here's the PDF version of the slideshow and I welcome any questions you might have, as I know some of the slides may require some explanation.

Meet the Teacher Grade 5 2020-21.pdf