Local Counseling Services

Local Christian Counseling services

If you are looking for a local professional counselor, please reach out to the counseling office. Sometimes we can recommend people or places that better suit what you are looking for. Please click on the white button below for a list of local counseling services.

Disclaimer: In providing this contact information, LCCS is not endorsing any particular service nor guarantees its effectiveness.

  • Here you will find the form to sign up for services with Encompass Counseling. They come into our school on Thursdays and can see students through their private insurance. The forms are available to fill out and email/ or fax to  maurerj@ccho.org fax: 330-966-9348. Email Mrs. Julie Goff for one at : jgoff@lakecenterchristianschool.org.

  • If you would like help with outside counseling resources, please reach out to Mrs. Goff and she can assist you with an updated list.