VIP Season Pass

WHMS VIP Ticket Pass Bus Permission Slip

Come out and support our Windy Hill Wolves boys basketball team as they travel to the County Championship

Who: Students who return the permission slip and money.

**No ISS or OSS suspensions this school year**



Students will report to the gym after school for pizza and to receive their shirts.

Parents will need to pick up behind school promptly at 6:30pm. Students can text/call parents on way home.

Cost: 15$ per student-includes game ticket, VIP Shaded seating, discounted concessions, a soft drink), and an athletic spirit dry-fit shirt. Only cash will be accepted.

Date to return: Permission slips can be turned in starting Wednesday and are due Tuesday by 9:15am to Coach Phillips in the courtyard.

All permission slips must be turned in with payment.

(Keep this portion and turn in bottom half)

I give ___________________________________________________ permission to attend a field trip to

(Student’s Name)

_______________________________ on __________ from 4:15pm to 6:30pm.

I________________________________________________________ will pick up my child at 6:30pm.

(Parent’s name)

Please provide 2 phone numbers for emergency contact:

Name: _________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

Parent Cell Phone #________________________ Home/alternate Phone #______________________