
October 20, 2018

3 -7 pm

Westival is Coming

Westival is coming! Westival is coming! The LES annual fall "western festival" that we know and love, Westival, will be held on October 20th, from 3-7pm, in the LES courtyard. Come play carnival games, win a cake in the Cake Walk, pick up some pumpkins, admire and bid on class scarecrows, and don't miss having some treats from the Bake Sale. There will also be a slider truck this year, so dinner is taken care of! We need lots of help to make this beloved event happen, so if you are able, please sign up through the link below to volunteer during the event, bring some treats for the bake sale, or even better, do both! For volunteer questions, please contact Julie Herbert at juliebherbert@gmail.com.
