Maple Team 2022/23
Welcome Back to LMS!
Welcome Back to LMS!
Welcome to the Maple Team, we are excited to meet you!
Welcome to the Maple Team, we are excited to meet you!
This site will be key for communication and information as we enter the 2022/23 school year. Check in to this page and your class pages for announcements and information necessary for 7th grade and Maple Team members.
Please check ALMA regularly for updated assignments and grades. Reach out to individual teachers with any questions!
Current Announcements!
LMS Wellness Fair - September 29th
Book fair! 10/3-10/7!!
No School : Columbus Day - October 10th
Please check the Laconia Middle School website for school wide announcements and updates! Please see each teacher page for individual class announcements, assignments, and upcoming events!
Click the ALMA button below to log into ALMA!