the study of patterns
Welcome! I am a National Board Certified math teacher with two kids (they go to Ridgefield with my husband), a small farm, and a love for hiking and books. This is my 12th year at La Center and my 19th year of teaching.
The majority of my communication will be directly with students. However, if you are a parent and notice your child struggling please do not hesitate to check in. This year I am teaching Algebra 1, AP Calculus, 3D Design and Printing, and AP Computer Science Principles. You can find more information on assignments and grades on both Google Classroom and Skyward.
~ Algebra 1 classes are weighted 75% assessment and 25% assignments. Corrections and retakes are available on nearly all assessments.
~ 3D Design and Printing is not weighted. In each unit we will have daily practice assignments that lead to a larger unit project.
~ AP Calculus will have a class choice on how assessments and assignments are weighted.
~ AP Computer Science Principles is not weighted.
If you are interested, here is a link for calculating a weighted grade, plan your grades, or try out the GPA calculator: Grade Calculator
Skyward Family Access -- Please check your grades frequently. I keep Skyward scores current.