Study Reports for Central and State Governments:

Macroeconomic and Fiscal Impact of 2nd wave of Covid19 in Odisha, submitted to UNICEF, India

Projection of tax revenue of the sales tax on account of petroleum products for the eighteen States in India from 2019-20 to 2024-25, submitted to Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India

Reorienting the State Economy of Odisha: An Exit Strategy Report in Covid19 Pandemic, Government of Odisha

An inter-state analysis of State Finances performance post-Coivd19, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Scientific Forecasting of Programme Expenditure of Odisha for 2021-22, Planning and Convergence Department, Government of Odisha

Evidence Based Planning and Budgeting for Health, Women and Child Development Sectors : 2022-23, Planning and Convergence Department, Government of Odisha

Estimation of MNREGA Potential in Odisha: An Inter-state Analysis, Planning and Convergence Department, Government of Odisha

State's Own Tax Revenue and Petroleum sales tax Effort Analysis of States in India: 2012-13 to 2016-17, Submitted to Fifteenth Finance Commission, Government of India

Macro-fiscal Forecasting of Odisha, prepared with IMF-SARTTAC and submitted to Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Preparation of People's Budget (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Preparation of Odisha Fiscal Strategy Report 2021-22, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Preparation of Odisha Fiscal Risk Statement 2021-22, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Preparation of Status Paper on Government Guarantee in Odisha: 2021-22, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Review of Odisha Economic Survey

Projection of Prospective Revenue Loss to Odisha from FY22 to FY26 due to 15th FC recommendation, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Monthly State Economic Index of Odisha: April, 2020 – January, 2021, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Monthly Fiscal Monitor Report of Odisha : April, 2020 – January, 2021, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Inter-state Analysis of Revenue loss from Central Devolution for 2020-21, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Estimation of Base Line and Optimal Credit Deposit Ratio in Odisha, Institutional Finance, Government of Odisha

Motor Vehicle (M.V) Tax Effort Index of States in India with special emphasis on Odisha, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Gap Analysis of Projected GST Revenue and Protected Revenue in Odisha, a part of chapter in the report on GST analysis by Government of Odisha submitted to Ministry of Finance, Government of India

State’s Own Tax Revenue Effort Index: An inter-state analysis, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Estimation of mining royalty of mineral ores of Odisha, Finance Department, Government of Odisha and presented to Indian Bureau of Mines, India

Benchmarking of State Expenditure in Primary and Secondary Education of Odisha for 2020-21, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Benchmarking Health Expenditure of Odisha for 2020-21, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

An inter-state analysis of short-fall in central devolution: 2015-16 to 2021-22, Finance Department, Government of Odisha

Fiscal Performance Index of the States in India with a special focus on Odisha, Finance Department, Government of Odisha