Privacy Policy

  1. Scope of This Policy

L8P8 Inc. (“L8P8,” “we,” “us,” “our”) respects your privacy and values your trust. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of the treatment and handling of personal information that we may learn about you from using our website at (the “Site”), from using our mobile application (the “App”), from purchasing products and services from us or engaging with our content, or by use of any of our services (collectively, the “Service”). If you have any questions regarding this information or our privacy practices, please contact us via the methods set out in the How to Contact Us section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Agreement to Terms

If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, then you should immediately discontinue use of the Service without providing us with any personal information.

  1. Information We Collect

We may collect the following categories of personal information (a) directly from you (such as when you create an account, respond to feedback forms or contact us), (b) from other uses of the Service (such as when they upload their contacts to the App), (c) from the device and browser that you use to access the Service, and (d) from cookies.


We may collect your name, email address, account username, and phone number. When you create an account, we also generate a digital identifier that is assigned to you and your devices.

Financial and Transactional Information

We may collect payment details (e.g., credit card information) as well as your subscription history. We use authorized third-party payment processors to collect and process payment details.

User Content

Portions of the Service allow you to store your documents and other files in an encrypted file locally on your computer or in cloud-based storage. Although we host the cloud-based storage, we host only encrypted documents and files and cannot read or otherwise access clear-text versions of your files.

We also collect the information and content of communications that you share through the Service, such as if you post in our FAQ section or send a message to another user. You should be aware that any information shared in a public or community forum (such as a message board, bulletin board, or other post) may be seen by other users and the public. You should think carefully before disclosing any information in any public forum, including those available on our Site or App.

Device Information

We may collect device information. Device information may include your device type, browser type, IP address, access times, geolocation information, and online identifier.

Internet Activity

We may collect information concerning your interaction with the Service, including when you access the Service. This may also include “traffic data” or tracking information provided by the Sites’ host or similar providers (e.g., Google Analytics) that may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the Site and App.

Portions of the Service authenticate you through biometric information such as Apple Face ID or Android fingerprint authentication. We do not have access to or collect biometric information; rather, the Service is only notified as to whether Apple Face ID or Android fingerprint authentication is successful.

You are not required to provide all personal information identified in this Privacy Policy to use our Service or to interact with us, but certain functionality will not be available if you do not provide certain personal information. For example, if you do not provide certain personal information, we may not be able to register an account or respond to your requests.

  1. Cookies

We store certain information that gets collected automatically at our end through cookies and other similar technologies. A cookie is a small string of information that a website that you visit transfers to your browser for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your activity while using a website or across websites, and that information helps companies understand your preferences and tendencies, as well as improve and personalize your website experience. Some cookies are necessary to operate a website, while others can be functional, or analytical (as discussed in more detail below). Cookies on the Site are generally divided into the following categories:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies. These are required for the operation of the Site. They include, for example, cookies that help secure the Site.

  • Analytical/Performance Cookies. These allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors to the Site and understand how such users navigate through the Site (e.g., when and which pages are visited, in what order the pages are visited, and where a user is located).

We also use Google Analytics for part of this process. For more information about Google Analytics, please visit Google provides users with the ability to prevent their data from being used by Google Analytics—learn more by going to

You can also prevent the use of certain cookies by modifying your Internet browser settings, typically under the sections “Help,” “Internet Options,” or “Settings.” If you disable or delete certain cookies in your Internet browser settings, you may still access our Site, however, you might not be able to access or use important functions or features of our Site.

Do-Not-Track Signals

At this time, we do not recognize automated “do-not-track” browser signals.

  1. Children’s Privacy

The Service is not intended for users under the age of 13 and L8P8 does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13. If you are aware of, or suspect that, someone under the age of 13 is using the Service without permission, please notify us immediately by contacting us as detailed in the How to Contact Us section below. If you have questions or concerns about the Internet and privacy for your child, we encourage you to check out the FTC Guidelines for protecting your child’s privacy online.

  1. Our Use of Personal Information

We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Providing the Service to you and providing products or services requested by, or reasonably anticipated within the context of our relationship with, you;

  • Managing our relationship with you, and responding to your inquires or requests, and requesting feedback;

  • Providing relevant promotional materials or other marketing;

  • Analyzing use of the Service;

  • Tailoring content on the Site and App to your interests;

  • Detecting security incidents and anomalies, and protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecuting those responsible; and

  • Complying with legal and regulatory obligations.

  1. Our Disclosure of Personal Information

We may share your personal information with the following third parties:

  • Service providers, including IT outsourcing, payment processors, contact managers, web analytics and infrastructure providers. In some instances, service providers will be directly responsible to you for their use of your personal information. They may be obliged by law to provide you with additional information regarding the personal information that they hold about you and how and why they process that information. Further information may be provided to you in a separate notice or may be obtained from such service providers directly, for example, via their websites.

  • Other users, such as if you submit content to our FAQ page or to your designated gatekeepers to regain access to your account.

  • Advisers and financial institutions, including auditors, notaries, business continuity support service providers, and legal, tax, and risk and compliance advisors.

  • With third parties in connection with a change to the control or financial status of the company, including a corporate restructuring, sale, acquisition, financing, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, transfer, assignment of assets, or business merger or divestiture. Personal information and other information may be shared in the diligence process with counterparties and others assisting with the transaction and transferred to a successor or affiliate as part of that transaction.

  • Government bodies, dispute resolution organizations, law enforcement agencies, or third parties in connection with (a) responding to a subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful request for information that we receive; (b) cooperating in a law enforcement or similar investigation; or (c) otherwise protecting our rights, as applicable.

  1. Your Privacy Choices

If you no longer want to receive our texts, emails, or other marketing communications, you may unsubscribe at any time by choosing “Unsubscribe” from emails. To opt-out of text messages, you may text “STOP” in reply to any L8P8 marketing text message.

Please note that you cannot unsubscribe from certain correspondence from us, including messages relating directly to your account or purchases placed through the Service.

You have the right to review, correct, and/or request the deletion of certain personal information we hold about you. You may exercise these rights through your account or by contacting us using the How to Contact Us information below.

  1. Security

We maintain reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration, or unintentional destruction. We have implemented various security measures to protect both the personal information and the general information that we receive from you through the Service. Whenever you give out personal information online there is a risk that third parties may intercept and use that information. Although we seek to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we assume no liability or responsibility for disclosure of your information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized access by third parties, or other causes beyond our control.

You play an important role in keeping your information secure. If you register an account, you must appoint a minimum number (as set by L8P8 from time to time) of trusted individuals from your contacts (“Trusted Contacts”). You should not share information about who your Trusted Contacts are with anyone aside from the Trusted Contacts. If you have reason to believe that your account is no longer secure, please contact us immediately at the contact information in the How to Contact Us section below. Please keep in mind that due to security features we have implemented in the Service, if your account is locked, only your gatekeepers can unlock it. We cannot assist you in unlocking it and we are not responsible for locking your account, unlocking your account, contacting your gatekeepers, your inability to access your account or information held in your account, or the loss of any information in your account.

  1. Effective Date and Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date at the top of this policy. L8P8 has the discretion to update this Privacy Policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the effective date at the top of this page. We encourage users to frequently check this page for any changes and to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect, especially before you provide information, and particularly personal information, directly to us through the Service. In the event of a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will provide a message through our website, via email, or through another communications method we deem reasonable, informing you of the change.

  1. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our Service, please contact us at or