Week 7: Holidays

Here are my 3 poems I made!!

I made them using google drawings, and It's on Easter.


What is Easter?

Easter is a fun holiday, celebrating when Jesus, a christian god, had risen from the dead. He was a powerful man, capable of healing. On the day of Easter it is also the date he had risen. On Easter, they have fun activities of Easter-egg hunts, Easter baskets, Presents, Candy, and many more fun things. The thing representing Easter is the Easter-bunny, a bunny that has been believed to give you candy. Around Easter time, people dress up in giant Easter costumes, and kids take pictures with them. Other things that represent Easter are, bunnies and chicks! I don't know why, but they sure are fluffy, cute creatures to have represented for Easter!

I researched why:

Her symbol was the rabbit because of the animal's high reproduction rate. Spring also symbolized new life and rebirth; eggs were an ancient symbol of fertility. According to History.com, Easter eggs represent Jesus' resurrection. ... The first Easter Bunny legend was documented in the 1500s.

I got this information from: https://www.seeker.com/what-does-the-easter-bunny-have-to-do-with-easter-1771111729.html

Here is my feedback from! :)