
ABout Mrs. Sheard

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What will we be learning?

English Language Arts

I am pleased to inform you that our core ELA program, Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA), has launched a website to help you better support your child with reading, writing, and spelling at home. Please visit the Amplify CKLA Caregiver Hub to orient yourself to all of the great resources that are available: https://amplify.com/ckla-caregiver-resources-hub/


We will be using Ready Math; We will be conducting our iReady diagnostic assessment soon.

Social Emotional

We use Sanford Harmony and Class Dojo. Visit www.sanfordharmony.org for more information.

Social Studies & Science

We are learning about the five senses and colors in Spanish!


We will be using our Maravillas program for Spanish language acquisition as well as Descubre con Santillana. Your child can access the Maravillas student portal through their Clever Account.