The Toyota Foundation: Initiative Program for Fiscal 2022

Mutual Learning of Science Technology Innovation Coordination to Bridge Different Countries and Sectors in Cambodia, Thailand, and Japan towards Capacity Development Program and Policy Recommendations



About Project |プロジェクト概要

Targeted at bio-circular green economy and sustainable development, this ASEAN-Japan team aims to co-create an original training system of “Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Coordination” between government, academic, private sectors and local community. Among the different stakeholders, somebody should “coordinate” and tailor-make a socioeconomic development plan as an inclusive and sustainable model for the stakeholders. Currently, connections between public and private sectors are limited; community and industry cannot easily find capable scientists and/or proper technologies to solve common social and technical problems because of lacking well-trained coordinators, and even a training system. It is necessary to develop the training system to cultivate more coordinators with professional knowledge and communication skills, and to facilitate dialogue among multi-stakeholders.

複雑な現代社会の課題に対し、科学的に裏打ちされた解決策と行動様式を導くためには、研究機関と省庁、地元住民や民間企業がデータや知恵を持ち寄って共に学びあい、立案し、その成果を幅広く還元できるような調整が重要である。しかし、現在そのような調整を行う人材は稀少であり、更にはその育成システムも存在しない。本プロジェクトは「Bio-Circular Green Economy」といった持続可能な地元経済発展を目指し、カンボジア・タイ・日本の異なるセクターから参画するメンバーが、双方向によるサイトビジットやインターンシップ、勉強会を通じて科学技術イノベーション(STI)における好事例や問題点について共通理解を深める。特に大学と企業を繋ぐサイエンスパークや、産官学およびコミュニティの協働現場訪問を予定している。そして地域の特色にあった STIコーディネーションができる人材育成プログラムを開発し、日 ASEANの科学技術政策への提言に繋げる。 

What's STI Coordination? | 科学技術イノベーション・コーディネーションとは?

In response to the development of science, technology, and innovation (STI), it is indispensable to cultivate highly motivated human resources with both technical skills and interpersonal soft skills to coordinate scientific projects. The position title of such specialized professionals is different from one place to another. They can be scholars heading international or public-private collaborations, or full-time coordinators under the title of research administrator or research manager. In this proposal, “STI (Science Technology Innovation) coordinators” refers to a wide range of professionals.  Depending on their country and organization, the coordinators’ knowledge and skills required for the position also vary widely: command of foreign languages, research ethics and compliance, rules in accounting and procurement, management of equipment, impact writing/assessment, reviewing calls for proposals and application forms to secure research funds, STI policies, academic-industry collaboration, PR, management of the team and possible risks, ability to understand cutting edge scientific results, for instance.

Need well-cultivated STI Coordinator

Well-cultivated STI coordinators are required in our global society. We are facing very complicated and multifaced global issues such as climate change, energy security, and infection diseases. Toward universal goal of humanity on this planet, we need to produce a good research project, robust STI policy, industrial innovation, and social contribution to tackle with these grand challenges. To do so, we need to establish a well-balanced eco-system of STI.  In order to balance the eco-system, we need to have good research management and administration and coordination.  Therefore, we need to nurture human resources so called as STI coordinator.

Scientist and STI Coordinator

This slide shows the contrasting image of extension of the capacity for scientist and STI coordinator. Scientist normally develop their capacity to deeper and deeper direction based on their academic discipline. On the other hand, STI coordinator try to grow their capacity with wider perspectives in both of practical and academic discipline.

Role of STI coordinator 

The role of STI coordinator among scientists can be explained with wave synthesis theory. There are two sharp and isolated waves A and B which represent for Scientist A and Scientist B. There are no interaction, no cooperation, or no synergy. When we apply wide wave c representing STI coordinator among two sharp waves, we can obtain a synthesized wave with higher intensity as a result of interaction, cooperation, and synergy. This is simple image of role of STI coordinator among scientists.

News | ニュース

Mutual Learning of Science Technology Innovation Coordination to Bridge Different Countries and Sectors in Cambodia, Thailand, and Japan towards Capacity Development Program and Policy Recommendations


Project Leader: Professor Hideaki Ohgaki | 大垣英明 教授

 Kyoto University | 京都大学

Kick-off meeting on January 10, 2023

We had a kick-off meeting (hybrid) among project members from Japan, Thailand, and Cambodia at Kyoto University ASEAN Center on January 10, 2023..

Our project team members in Cambodia, Thailand and Japan joined the 1st National Science, Technology & Innovation Day in Cambodia during 26 - 31 March 2023

「ASEAN地域の科学技術コーディネート人材育成に関する調査」を 令和5年上半期の助成課題として採択頂きました。マレーシア、フィリピンを対象に調査を実施。

our project team orgainsed the workshop to commemorate 50th Year of ASEAN - Japan Friendship in May 12, 2023 

Kick Off workshop of Project: 31 July 2023

Opening ceremony of a project on “mutual learning of science, technology and innovation (STI) coordination” supported by Toyota Foundation. Followed by the welcome remark by the foundation, there were opening remarks by the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia and Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation. This followed by presentations on Cambia and Thailand STI policies and STI coordinators.

(Local news)

Visit to CDRI: 31 July 2023 

Project members from Cambodia, Thailand, and Japan visited Cambodia Development Research Institute (CDRI) .

Visit to National University of Battambang (NUBB): 1 August 2023

The project members visited National University of Battambang (NUBB) on 1st of August. NUBB, Provincial Department of STI (DISTI), and Local Enterprise gave introductory presentations. This followed by our project members’ from NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency) and Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Attended by NISTI’s director general, NUBB’s students and Kyoto University’s alumni Dr. Sanara from RUA 

Company visit and training discussion at MISOTA: 2 August 2023

Project members visited two local companies in Battambang, Misota and Earth Rice Noodles. After the factory tour, we had a small group discussion about current problems and its possible solutions for the future.

JASTIP co-organized JASTIP session entitled as Methdology for the Co-creation of joint research projects through STI Coordination towards Carbon Neutrality in collaboration with ENTEC/NSTDA and MHESHI on August 21 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.  This session consists of both 1) practical training to brush up STI coordination skills through three onsite-mock interview of a joint proposal and 2) additional information sharing on related policy trends and funding programs. 

Visit to Thailand Science Park on 16 November 2023

Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP and Cambodian members visited ENTEC, National Science Development Agency (NSTDA) on 16th November, as part of the Toyota Foundation Initiative Project. The delegates learned about coordination functions of National Science Park (NSP) and National Innovation Agency (NiA). We are also grateful for the informative lab tour. 

Visit to Northern Science Park on 18 November 2023

Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP and Cambodian members visited Northern Science Park in Chaingam on 18th November, as part of the Toyota Foundation Initiative Project

Meeting at adiCET of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University on 17 November 2023

Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP, Cambodian and Thai members had an active discussion at adiCET (Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology), Chiang Mai Rajabhat University on 17th November. 

Visit to coordination activities at local community in Chaing Mai

Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP, Cambodian and Thai members had an active discussion with local government and community such as EVE hearb community enterprise and the Garden Community Enterprise in Chaing Mai.

Project Organization |プロジェクト実施体制

Japan: Kyoto University, Okayama University, and Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP)

Thailand: Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC) - NSTDA, and Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B)

Cambodia: Institute of Technology Cambodia (ITC), and Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI)