REGISTRATION and Abstract Submission

REGISTRATION FORM can be filled here.

Abstracts should not exceed 1000 words exclusive of references.

When printed out, the title and body should conform to 12-point type, with 2 cm margins.

Title goes ALL CAPS, bold, centered

then follows the Participant's Name(s) - bold, left centered

then affiliation - bold, left centered

The adstract follows after 2 spaces, followed by bibliography, if necessary. References are given in brackets, examples are given in cursive.

Payment receit and a sample of conference materials is in the file below.

To submit your abstract, please create a separate word document and apply required formats. After your abstract is ready, please copy-paste it into the corresponding field in the Application form. You may also submit the original file through the e-mail.

Abstracts be submitted via

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 30-October-2018.

Notification of acceptance: No later than 30-October-2018.

Conference sample.docx
Conference payment.pdf