Course materials


Click for download
Practical bioinformatics workshop tutorial document 

All commands and descriptions of the programs, processes, and pipelines used in the workshop.

Click to see your Server account

The server account will terminate on
30 September 2023. 

DAY 1 - 28 August 2023

0. Keeping track of bioinformatics analyses.

1. Bioinformatics analysis servers

2. Setting up your computer for connecting to Unix server

3. UNIX basics - Download common command sheet.

4. Sequence data formats:

5. Sequence retrieval and submission

DAY 2 - 29 August 2023

6. Sequence read quality assessment and manipulation

7. Genome assembly

DAY 3 - 30 August 2023

8. Alignment of reads / paired reads to a reference genome/transcriptome

9. Alignment evaluation

DAY 4 - 31 August 2023

10. Variant calling

11. Phasing of SNPs

DAY 5 - 1 September 2023

12. Population genetic analysis with Structure, Admixture

13 Differential expression of genes