Annie Ticket Handout

Ticket Information

Tickets are on sale NOW! Buy them here: 

Tickets are $7 (plus fees) and are assigned seating. 

If you have any questions, please email Miss Regan 

Important Reminders

 - In January, cast & crew must be at ALL rehearsals for the full duration of rehearsal. Only students who are LEGALLY absent from school will be excused from rehearsals. ** Please note: rehearsals on Fridays go until 6pm.  Students may NOT leave early. 

 - We will begin rehearsing in costume as soon as we get back from break.  Please be sure students' costume pieces are in ASAP and that if your child needs anything they have made us aware so we can plan accordingly. 

 - Please check your child's name for the program.  If it is spelled correctly, please enter your initials.  If there are changes, please add them next to their name.  Proof for Program

 - All cast & crew who were at rehearsals this week were given their show t-shirt.  We will be wearing our shirts on Fridays in January to promote our show.  If you ordered additional shirts (or if your child was absent), they will be distributed when we get back from break. 

 - Patron ads and payment are due Friday 1/5/24.  Thank you to everyone who has already purchased an ad! 

 - Information about tickets will be distributed in January.  

 - We are looking for parent volunteers -- if you can help out, please sign up here: 


Join Remind!

We will utilize Remind to send out important announcements.  This is also the best way to contact the directors DURING rehearsal.  Click the red button to join. 


Text the message @annieatfms to 81010 

If you need more assistance: Directions to Join 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to any of our directors! 

Miss Regan:

Miss Hill: 

Mr. Krueger: