I received my MSc. in advanced accounting at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune/India. BA in accounting Accounting Dep./Economic & Administration College/University of Sulaimanyah.

He started working as dean’s assistant for student affairs at Technical College of Applied Science in Halabjah (2014 to 2017). He taught computer practical lessons and accounting lessons at management and administration department at Halabjah technical institute. He worked as head of Audit department (2010 to 2011). He was a lecturer at Technical College of Applied Science in Halabjah as well as  head of council office of the college. He was also IT representative of the collage and CDC represented of college. Currently he is working as Head department of accounting department at KTI.

He has worked in many delegations and has participated in many activities of campus.  He is member of Accounting Syndicate of Kurdistan.


Safeen R. Ghafar

Head of Department 
