What is SEED?

SEED stands for Scientists and Engineers Early Career Development workshop and is offered by KSEA and KOFST to provide mentorship to, and help develop the careers of, junior Korean-American scientists and engineers ranging from postdoctoral researchers to early career professionals.

When / Where is SEED 2023?

The 2023 Scientists and Engineers Early Career Development (SEED) workshop will be held on August 1st (afternoon) – 2nd (afternoon) in Hyatt Regency DFW Dallas, Texas.

Who will be attending?

We plan to accept 70-80 participants (including Ph.D. students, postdocs, junior faculty, and early-career professionals in national labs & industry) who are particularly interested in the topic of “Building a Sustainable and Successful Career and Life.” The program will provide opportunities to discuss career development and emerging topics in the fields, and cultivate the development of mentoring relationships among participants.

Application Timeline

What is the selection criteria?

The selection criteria will be both merit and need-based (up to about 80 applicants).

What support will be provided for attendees?

✈️ Airfare up to $200 or driving mileage ($0.50/mile) up to $200

🏨 Hotel accommodation: One night (Tuesday, Aug 1st), Two per room.

🥄 Meals: Lunch/dinner on Aug 1st, Breakfast/lunch on Aug 2nd.

Registration Fees

🎓 $50 for graduate students

🧑‍🎓 $75 for postdocs

🧍$100 for junior faculty, government employees, or early-stage professionals

Check out who is involved!

Check out previous SEED events!

Apply now!

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