Welcome to the Southview 5th Grade Site.

2021-2022 School Year

We are very excited to be starting the school year and welcoming all the incoming fifth graders as well as their families. This year your student will have three fifth grade teachers that will be working closely together to meet their needs. While we departmentalize you will quickly discover that we are making it a common practice to integrate our curricular concepts into alternate subjects and strive to provide authentic learning exposures for our students. We are looking forward to learning with the kiddos this year.

Mr. Luppes-Math, Mrs. Shaheen-Science/PBL, & Mrs. Overmeyer-ELA/Social Studies

❄️Virtual Day/AMI-X Information ❄️
For our Schedule and link/s please click on the Schedule or Resources/Family Information tabs at the top right corner of this page. 😃