ASL Resources
Free ASL Tutoring for KSD Families:
Free ASL Tutoring for KSD Families:
JAN 27th- MARCH 27th
JAN 27th- MARCH 27th
In-person Tutoring
In-person Tutoring
One night per week for 1 hour at KSD. While we strongly encourage in-person tutoring, online sessions are available for families who live further than 1 hour away from campus.
Online Tutoring
Online Tutoring
Online sessions meet for 30 minutes one day per week (Monday – Thursday).
Online requirements:
An email account
A laptop or desktop computer with a camera (phones & tablets are not effective for tutoring)
Access to high speed internet
*offered to immediate family/ household members of current KSD students listed in our Infinite Campus database
Families with Deaf and
Families with Deaf and
Hard of Hearing children
Hard of Hearing children
and the professionals
and the professionals
who work with them:
who work with them: