Hawaii Stock Footage

After logging into your KS Google account, click this link to access the Hawaiian Stock Media Library:


Alternatively, here are the steps to access the Hawaiian Stock Media Library:

  1. Enter your KS Google Drive

  2. Click on the drop down (triangle) icon on far right of the top search bar

  3. Click on Type and select "Folders"

  4. Click on Owner and select "Not owned by me"

  5. Click on Anywhere next to Locations and select "Visible to anyone in imua.ksbe.edu"

  6. Now go back up to your search bar and add the term "Stock Media"

  7. At this point, you may continue onto to steps 8-15 or you may choose to enter a keyword of choice rather than "Stock Media"

    1. Examples include the keywords "Beach" or "Canoe" or "Waikiki"

  8. Press enter to search for the folder titled "Hawaiian Stock Media Library"

  9. From there you may navigate to the mokupuni (island) of choice

  10. Now navigate to the moku (district) of choice

  11. Then onto the ahupua`a (chiefdoms) of choice

  12. And then onto the `Ili (parcels) or other description

  13. View the various clips and click on the download option in top right corner (arrow pointing down)

  14. The clip will scan for viruses; if prompted with the option to "Download Anyway" you should download anyway

  15. Check your downloads folder when it is complete and you may now import the file into any video editor of choice

Contact Mr. Mosher via chmosher@ksbe.edu for assistance