Be aware of the cognitive load that can be placed on students when introducing new tools to use. Think of more ways to use existing tools that youʻre already using rather than adding on a whole new set of tools (one trick ponies).


An introduction and overview of the pedagogy and delivery of distance learning

KS Canvas-Tips Handout 9-10-20.pdf
03062020_delivering your instruction online final.pdf
KS Kumu sharing Canvas_Online teaching with DOE.mp4


Strategies and tools for designing and organizing your online curriculum

Six common design elements are shared by GOA's most successful online courses, including transparent goal setting, proactive and planned communication, balance between structure and choice, an elevation of faces and voices, a feedback plan, and student friendly wayfinding.

  • Create a predictable, repeatable structure that becomes a routine that students can easily navigate and can rely on.

  • Online spaces must be clear, coherent, and concise in order to provide a smooth, navigable experience. You don’t want your students spending more time figuring out instructions than actually engaging in the work.

Example Google Classroom Course Design - Using Topics

Organizing and Presenting Content - GOA Catalyst Cards Video Series

This video series includes valuable suggestions for organizing and presenting content with a variety of course layout examples; the series includes five videos and is ~ 13+ minutes total in length

Create Pacing Guides to Keep Your Students On-track

A pacing guide is a visual timeline to help students keep track of their progress and the minimum rate at which they should be moving through the online learning experience. Share the pacing guide ahead of time so students can review and plan out their week.


Resources to help create online learning experiences for haumāna

This video series introduces a set of strategies that enable students to demonstrate their learning through engaging activities and the effective use of online technology tools; the series includes seven videos and is ~ 22 minutes in length - total.

Technology Tools

Create instructional videos to demonstrate a process or explain a concept. Look through our page on Creating Instructional Videos for tools and tips. Some tools we cover:

  • QuickTime and PhotoBooth: Macbook built in tools that allow for screen recording.

  • Screencastify: An online screen recorder that allows for easy upload into Google Drive.

  • Zoom: Normally used for online meetings, Zoom can also be used to record your screen via screen share and recorded meeting.


Strategies and tools for online synchronous meetings with haumāna

Using Thinking Routines to Engage Students During Synchronous Learning

Thinking routines are simple structures, for example a set of questions or a short sequence of steps that can be used alone or within a group. Theyʻre designed to be easy to remember, practical and to invite a broad range of thinking moves.

Technology Tools

There are a few tools that enable you to meet with your students synchronously. Learn about the tools below:

  • Microsoft Teams: A KS standard tool, MS Teams will allow you to meet with students. You can set up meetings easily through your Outlook calendar.

  • Zoom: An online meeting tool with features like breakout rooms, automatic meeting recording, and password protected meetings.


Strategies and tools to keep haumāna engaged through collaborative activities

This video series shares strategies for designing engaging online interactions with and between students for both synchronous and asynchronous environments; the series includes eight videos and is ~ 25 minutes in length - total.

Technology Tools

In addition to Thinglink, Flipgrid and the tools mentioned above, some tools to foster student engagement include:

  • Book Creator: a simple tool for creating awesome digital books. Combine text, images, audio, and video to create your own teaching resources or have your students take the reins.

  • EdPuzzle: an online tool that lets you take just about any video, edit it down to the portions you want, add audio notes and questions for students, and create virtual classrooms where you can monitor individual student work.

  • Edulastic: an online, tech-enhanced assessment making tool for teachers. It allows teachers to make their own assessments with a variety of question types including drag-and-drop, multiple choice, and label an image.

  • Google Forms: part of the Google Education Suite, Google Forms is a free web-based app used to create forms, surveys and quizzes.

  • Nearpod: an online tool in which a teacher can create interactive presentations that can contain Quiz's, Polls, Videos, Images, Drawing-Boards, Web Content and so on.

  • The Magic of QR Codes: a type of barcode that is readable by smartphones, and can be used to display text to the user or to open a URL.

  • Quizziz: create gamified quizzes for students to play in class and at home. Pick an existing quiz or create your own for review, formative assessment, and more.


Tips for designing a course that promotes meaningful relationship building

How do you create genuine relationships with and among your students as a blended or online teacher? This link provides resources and best practices to help you do so.


Formative assessment tools to help gauge understanding

This is meant to be a resource for those interested in learning about EDpuzzle, a tool that allows teachers to embed quizzes into online videos.

Technology Tools

Here are some other tools to help with formative assessments:

  • Edulastic: an online, tech-enhanced assessment making tool for teachers. It allows teachers to make their own assessments with a variety of question types including drag-and-drop, multiple choice, and label an image

  • Google Forms: a free web-based app used to create forms, surveys and quizzes

  • Quizziz: Create gamified quizzes for students to play in class and at home. Pick an existing quiz or create your own for review, formative assessment, and more.