Ready Math

During the 2019-2020 school year, Keyport Public Schools underwent the process of vetting new math resources for our K-8 students. I am excited to report that we have selected what I feel is an amazing program, Ready Math. Here you will find videos and other information on the program.

How did we get here?

Copy of KCSMathResource.webm

Board Presentation

This video goes through the process used to arrive at the selection of the new resource.

Ready Math - Superintendents Coffee

Superintendent's Coffee

In May there was a Superintendent's coffee where the community was invited to hear about the new resource. Here is the presentation used.

What is it?

Ready Classroom Mathematics is a comprehensive core mathematics program that makes math accessible to all students. The program and its components work together to empower students to make connections between mathematical ideas and move forward learning new ideas through various whole group, small group, and digital interactions. Watch this video to learn more about your students’ new program, Ready Classroom Mathematics.

What can I do with it?

One of the many reasons we liked Ready Math was because of their belief in having families involved and understanding what the student is learning. The company provides families with a library of resources to help support student learning at home. We are currently working hard to get this new resource going but once it is you can expect to find videos here to explain how to access everything from home.