Academic Year 2023-24

KPJS Year 3 Enrolment Page 2024


We are really excited about welcoming your children to our school in September.  Please keep an eye on your email inbox as we will be sending an invite to join the Junior School's Arbor system.  From there you will be able to access all the school's communication and purchase your child's school uniform and stationary and complete school consents.

The School Day

The school day starts 08:50

Lunch time is between 12:30-13:30

School finishes at 15:20


We’ve chosen Arbor to help us manage our school. Arbor is a simple, smart and cloud-based MIS (Management Information System), which helps us work faster, smarter and more collaboratively as a school. The Arbor App and Parent Portal mean we can keep you informed about your child’s life at school in a much more accessible way. Log into Arbor to see and update your child’s information, get live updates, pay for clubs/trips, view your child's attendance record, give consent, purchase items from the school shop for example uniform and view your child's reports all on the go!

The Parent Portal works on Google Chrome (computer or laptop) and you can download the Arbor App from the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone.

Please look out for an invite to register with Arbor and register as soon as possible!

School Enrolment Forms

Our Enrolment form is now online and we ask parents to complete these as quickly as possible so that we can enter your data onto our school system. Please be aware that we do not share your data with anyone else, with the exception of the Police, Harrow Council education department, the Department for Education, (DfE), or Social Services if asked. 

Our Information pack will be handed out to all year 2's during the parent meeting on Thursday 20th June at 1:40pm.  This will include your new teacher, class name and house colour. If you have not received any correspondence from the Junior School then please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Please complete our Free School Meal form below if you would like the school to check if you're eligible for free school meals.  Please note, the school received extra funding if your child is eligible so we would encourage all parents to complete the form if they think they might be entitled.  Please click here to see the Free School Meal eligibility criteria. 

Currently the school is issuing supermarket vouchers to parents of eligible children during school breaks but this is subject to change, so pleases ensure that you apply if you think you many be entitled to Free School Meals :)

Uniform and Stationary

Most of our uniform is the same as the infant school with the exception of the Green sweatshirt and our House coloured P.E. tops.  A full listing of the Junior Schools uniform can be viewed here on our web page here -> KPJS UNIFORM

We are now asking all parents to supply their child's stationary for school. The KPJS Pencil Case contains all items needed for school lessons. Any lost items can be purchased from welfare during playtime.

*(for a limited time only)

Please pre-order your Year 3 uniform and pencil cases via the Arbor Shop.  Any orders placed can be collected from the Junior School Welfare between 2:30 and 3:00 the next working day.

Kenmore Park Junior School Forms:

New Year 3 Meeting 

We have a new parents induction meeting planned for Thursday 20th June.  This meeting will be held  in the school hall at Kenmore Park Junior School.   The meeting will start at 1:40pm.

At the meeting we will be able to introduce key staff and confirm the year 3 class teachers. You will also be able to find out about the Junior school curriculum and the differences and similarities between the two schools.  We will explain how to order your child's Junior School Uniform and complete the school's mandatory consents via the Arbor App.  

School Meals

Nourish Catering provides all meals to the Junior School.  Please click on the menu image to see an example menu from the Summer 2024 menu.

Please remember if you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals we would encourage you to complete our Free School Meal application form as the school receives funding for each successful eligible pupils which will benefit you child and their learning at the Junior School  FSM Form. You may also receive supermarket vouchers during the school breaks (this is subject to change).

*Please note - Your child can choose on a daily basis whether to have a school dinner or a packed lunch from home.

Arbor Help

How to get started 

Need help using Arbor? 

Contact the school office if you have questions about Arbor, the App or Parent Portal. Tell us the type and model of your phone, e.g. an iPhone SE, and include screenshots or screen recordings.   

Some tips to try:

Children with Special Education Needs

If your child has Special Educational Needs, please email the school office and mark the email for the attention of Miss Fraser.

If your child has a medical condition that we need to be made aware of and you would like to speak to someone about your child, please email the office, and mark it for the attention of Miss Davey. 

General questions -  please mark for the attention of Mr Baumring but we would hope to be able to answer most of these at the meeting.

School Email address: 

I am looking forward to meeting you formally at the induction meeting but please feel free to come and say hello when I am on the playground at the start or end of the day.

M Baumring - Headteacher