Year 5
Autumn 1 - Worship
Autumn 1 - Worship
Know what a prayer is and begin to explain why religious believers pray
Explain the importance of religious freedom
Autumn 2 - The True Meaning of Christmas
Autumn 2 - The True Meaning of Christmas
List what Christmas means to me and Christians
Explain the meaning of commercialisation and link this to losing the true meaning of Christmas.
Spring 1 - Peace
Spring 1 - Peace
Define the word peace
Explain how different religions view peace.
Spring 2 - Forgiveness
Spring 2 - Forgiveness
Define what is meant by forgiveness
Compare what two different religions believe about forgiveness
Summer 1 - Creation
Summer 1 - Creation
Sequence and retell the Judeo Christian story of creation
Compare and contrast two creation stories
Summer 2 - Humanism
Summer 2 - Humanism
I can outline the main beliefs of Humanism
I can explore the ideas of a key Humanist thinker