RJO Intermediate School Library/Innovation Lab


I can't wait to get started this year.  I began my teaching career 24 years ago in fifth grade at RJO.  I loved my years working in fifth grade.   I've always been  a lifelong bookworm. I also have always loved learning about all of the new technological tools that are out there waiting to be used in our classrooms.   So now I get to take on a new role as the RJO Library Media Specialist.  My love of literature and educational technology makes this new role so exciting!

Along with all of the work I do at RJO, I have another very important job.  I am a mom of two boys, Tommy and Aidan.  They are about to start another year in high school.  They keep me very busy reading, going to the beach,  and running around to baseball games and theatre performances!

This year we will work together to transform the library as a resource center for the building to utilize daily!