

[4] Shin, Y. (2023). School starting age policy and students' risky health behaviors. Health Economics, 32(11), 2446-2459. (SSCI) 

[3] Shin, Y. (2023). Teacher experience and students' mental well‐being. Journal of Adolescence, 95(7), 1377-1387. (SSCI) 

[2] Shin, Y. (2023). Legal drinking age laws and alcohol consumption: Evidence from South Korea. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84(5), 710-717. (SSCI) 

[1] Shin, Y. (2022). The impacts of the Free Semester program on students’ exam nervousness. Economics & Human Biology, 44, 101079. (SSCI) 

Publications in Korean

[1] Shin, Y. (2020). The Impact of Expansion in Child Care Subsidy Coverage on Household Expenditure, Korean Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 14(3), 79-102 

Working papers

[3] Students with academic pressure and their spillover effects on peers’ mental well-being, R&R at Labour Economics

[2] Does a child’s early schooling affect the mother’s mental well-being? Evidence from Australia (with Do Won Kwak), Under Review

[1] Fertility prediction using micro data (with Seik Kim)