
Positive Thoughtful Helpful
Blog Buddies 2023

Edublog Feeds

Have a look at other class and learner blogs. 

Summer Learning Journey

The Summer Learning Journey is designed to be a fun opportunity for learners to create and share over the summer break.

New activities are posted everyday and you can choose between  digital, hands on and collaborative whānau activities. Every time you post the Summer Learning Journey team will comment on your blog and award points with the top bloggers awarded prizes.

Register on the site Teaser activities are posted on our Summer Learning Journey blog now!

If a slide then ...

If a Doc then...

12 Days of Christmas - Google Sheets

12 Days of Christmas - Google Sheets Guided Activity

Pop-ups, Catfishing & Scams

Pop-ups, Catfishing and Scams - Koputaroa

Using Sumo Paint - Smart Media

Fake or Real Images

Fake or Real Images - Koputaroa


That photos can be altered.

What misinformation and disinformation is.

How to verify images using Google Reverse Images and Tineye


A response to “Fake or Real?” slides using image verification techniques. 

A pick a path slide deck with two real images and one fake image.


What I learnt about fake images, misinformation and disinformation and my pick a path slides in a blog post.

Collaborative Google Docs

Collaborative Google Docs


Use this Challenge you’re going to be learning.

Be respectful of each other's work and ideas when working collaboratively. 

Use the comment function. Watch this if you’re not sure how to do that. 

Create & Share

A collaborative doc & share screenshots on your blog. 

Create a new blog post to explain what you had to do for this task. Include:

Maintaining Positive and Supportive Relationships

Around the World with Google Earth

Around the World with Google Earth


Create and Share

SMART ways to respond

SMART ways respond when someone is mean online


Create & Share: 

Creativity & Copyright

Creativity & Copyright - Notan Google Drawings - Koputaora

Make and Finish Notan using video instructions

Download as PNG

Write a Blog Post

Insert your PNG in your Blog Post


Create & Share: 

Accessibility on Chromebooks

Accessibility on Chromebooks

What is Media?

What is Media? Koputaroa

Questionnaire   Please click on this link to complete

Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette

About GMail

About Gmail

Matariki Pictures with Google Drawing

Matariki Pictures - Koputaroa

Quality Commenting

Evaluating comments. 

Make a copy of this activity and complete it . 

How to Post

Posting on your edublog

Sharing Information Online

We are learning how to create a positive digital footprint. 

Sharing Information Online - Koputaroa
Sharing Online

24 Hour Footprint

We are learning how to create a positive digital footprint. 

24 Hour Footprint - round 2

Your New Blog

We are learning how to login and bookmark our new blog, and upload our profile.

Your New Blog - Bookmarking & Adding Profile

Blog Profile

We are learning how to create a blog profile that tells the reader a little bit of personal information about us and is appropriate for school. 

Blog Profile

Quality Comments

We are learning how to write commients that are positive , thoughful, and helpful.

Why Blog?  What is a Blog? 

We are learning about the reasons why we blog at school and the different features of a blog. 

Why Blog? v2

Learning about Google Doc Features

We are learning how to use some Google Doc features. 

Google Docs Fill It Scavenger Hunt

Kawa of Care

We are learning how to take care of our chromebook. 

Kawa of Care Kauri Pod Koputaroa
Kawa of Care Kauri Pod Koputaroa School