Warum wir eine Frauenfirma sind?

"Frauen betrachten Ihre Arbeit wie Ihr Baby."

"Ich habe die Firma wie eine Familie organisiert."

"Wir sind auch schon lieb aber auch sehr konsequent."

"Um kreativ zu sein muss ich weich und offen sein das geht mit Frauen besser"

Miranda Konstantinidou

Designerin & Gründerin


heißt für uns zu zeigen, woher mein Schmuckstück kommt, wer es gemacht hat. Aber vor allem auch:

 Wie wurde mein Schmuckstück gemacht? 

IMYJ cages.MP4


Wie in der guten alten Zeit

Verantwortlich sein

ist unser Leitbild.  Wir sind verantwortlich für das, was wir tun. Aber wir sind auch verantwortlich für das, was wir nicht tun. Verantwortlich fühlen wir uns vor allem gegenüber unseren Mitarbeitern und Kunden. Verantwortlich fühlen wir uns aber auch gegenüber der Welt, der Umwelt und der Kultur, in der sie und wir leben und arbeiten. 

"KONPLOTT wants to be a promoter of a safer, fairer, more transparent and more accountable fashion and industry."

Das ist Marisa Matugas

Marisa arbeitet seit 2009 in unserer Manufaktur auf Cebu. Sie ist dort eine von mehr als 600 Kolleginnen und Kollegen die Dein Schmuckstück planen, löten,  fassen, biegen und Steine einsetzen.  Jedes einzelne KONPLOTT Stück wird von Miranda Konstantinidou entworfen und von Marisa und Ihren Kolleginnen von Hand gefertigt.   

Doch was heißt das konkret?  Was heißt handgemacht? Und was heißt eigene Manufaktur?  Und wer sind die Damen die meinen Schmuck machen?  Wir möchten die Tür zu unserer Manufaktur auf Cebu/Philipines weit  aufmachen und die Frage beantworten:.  

"Who made my jewellery?"


"Wir sind eine Frauenfirma"

 9 von 10 Mitarbeitern sind Frauen.

2 von 3 Mitarbeitern sind Hauptverdiener der Familie.

2 von 3 sind Mütter .

Die älteste Mitarbeiterin ist 59 Jahre alt, die jüngste ist 18.

Im Schnitt haben meine Mitarbeiterinnen auf Cebu 2 Kinder. 

Eine hat sogar 7 Kinder. Sie ist 44 Jahre alt und seit 13 Jahren bei Konplott.


" Every woman has so many faces. We have so much wealth, so many possibilities and so many different moods in each and every one of us. "

Miranda  Konstantinidou

We want to demonstrate our commitment to transparency. 


Fashion provides dignified work, from conception to creation to catwalk. It does not enslave, endanger, exploit, overwork, harass, abuse or discriminate against anyone. Fashion liberates worker and wearer and empowers everyone to stand up for their rights.


 Fashion provides fair and equal pay. It enriches the livelihood of everyone working across the industry, from farm to shop floor. Fashion lifts people out of poverty, creates thriving societies and fulfils aspiration.


Fashion gives people a voice, making it possible to speak up without fear, join together in unity without repression and negotiate for better conditions at work and across communities.


Fashion respects culture and heritage. It fosters, celebrates and rewards skills and craftsmanship. It recognises creativity as its strongest asset. Fashion never appropriates without giving due credit or steals without permission. Fashion honours the artisan.


Fashion stands for solidarity, inclusiveness and democracy, regardless of race, class, gender, age, shape or ability. It champions diversity as crucial for success.


 Fashion conserves and restores the environment. It does not deplete precious resources, degrade our soil, pollute our air and water or harm our health. Fashion protects the welfare of all living things and safeguards our diverse ecosystems.


 Fashion never unnecessarily destroys or discards but mindfully redesigns and recuperates in a circular way. Fashion is repaired, reused, recycled and upcycled. Our wardrobes and landfills do not overflow with clothes that are coveted but not cherished, bought but not kept.


 Fashion is transparent and accountable. Fashion embraces clarity and does not hide behind complexity nor rely upon trade secrets to derive value. Anyone, anywhere can find out how, where, by whom and under what conditions their clothing is made.


Fashion measures success by more than just sales and profits. Fashion places equal value on financial growth, human wellbeing and environmental sustainability.


Fashion lives to express, delight, reflect, protest, comfort, commiserate and share. Fashion never subjugates, denigrates, degrades, marginalises or compromises. Fashion celebrates life.

"Wir können nicht versprechen, immer perfekt zu sein, aber wir laden Dich ein Dir ein eigenes Bild zu machen."

Soziale Standards im Vergleich.

"Warum wir stolz darauf sind, auf den Philippinen zu produzieren"

 Ja, wir sind sehr stolz darauf, auf den Philippinen zu produzieren. Natürlich stand am Anfang auch eine betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidung. Aber warum soll ein Arbeitsplatz auf den Philippinen weniger Wert sein als in Europa?  Natürlich sind die Löhne in Cebu 1:1 umgerechnet niedriger als in Deutschland. Aber es kommt doch darauf an, ob man von seiner Arbeit in dem Land, in dem man lebt, anständig leben kann.  Miranda selbst lebt und arbeitet seit 2001 auf den Philippinen.  Wir sind keine Europäisches Unternehmen das in Asien produzieren lässt. Wir sie ein Unternehmen das auf den Philippinen genauso zuhause ist wie in Europa. Wir sind stolz und dankbar in den Philippinen zu sein. 

"Wie wird mein Schmuckstück hergestellt? Viele unserer Mitarbeite, Kunden und  Freunde haben uns schon auf Cebu besucht. Wir halten nicht von Qualitätssiegeln oder Fait-Trade-Plaketten. Wenn Du kommst, dann machen wir Dir die Tür auf und zeigen Dir alles"

 Marit Achenbach, Studentin hat sich die Produktion auf CEBU angeschaut. Hier Ihr Bericht.

Marit ist  22 Jahre alt und Studentin des Studienfaches „Global Project and Change-Management”.  Wir baten Marit Achenbach, subjektiv über unsere Produktion in Cebu zu berichten.  

Offenlegung 1: Frau Achenbach ist verwandt mit einer Mitarbeiterin die in Luxembourg arbeitet.. 

Offenlegung 2: Frau Achenbach hat diesen Text im Rahmen eines  bezahlten Praktikums verfasst.


Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The KONPLOTT Code of Conduct (the "Code") serves as a guide for ethical behavior and outlines the standards of conduct expected from all employees, officers, directors, and representatives of KONPLOTT . This Code reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and respect in all aspects of our business operations.

1.2 Scope

This Code applies to all individuals associated with KONPLOTT, including employees, contractors, vendors, and partners. Compliance with this Code is mandatory, and any violation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contractual relationship.

1.3 Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

KONPLOTT is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. We embrace diversity in all its forms and are committed to providing equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

2. Ethical Principles

2.1 Integrity

We conduct ourselves with the highest level of integrity, honesty, and transparency in all our business activities. We do not engage in any form of deception, fraud, or dishonesty.

2.2 Respect

We treat all individuals with respect, dignity, and fairness, valuing their unique perspectives and contributions. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

2.3 Fairness

We promote fairness and equity in all our dealings, ensuring that decisions related to hiring, promotion, compensation, and other employment practices are based on merit and qualifications.

2.4 Honesty

We are committed to open and honest communication, both internally and externally. We do not provide false or misleading information.

2.5 Responsibility

We take responsibility for our actions and decisions, including the consequences that may arise from them. We fulfill our obligations to the best of our abilities.

3. Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

3.1 Equal Employment Opportunity

KONPLOTT is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law.

3.2 Harassment-Free Workplace

We are committed to providing a workplace free from harassment, intimidation, and discrimination. Harassment based on any protected characteristic, including race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic, is strictly prohibited.

3.3 Reasonable Accommodation

KONPLOTT is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities in accordance with applicable laws. If you require an accommodation to perform your job duties, please contact HR to discuss your needs.

3.4 Retaliation Prohibition

Retaliation against any individual who reports discrimination, harassment, or participates in an investigation related to such matters is strictly prohibited. KONPLOTT will not tolerate any form of retaliation.

4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

4.1 Legal Compliance

We are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Employees are expected to be aware of and follow all relevant laws and regulations in their job responsibilities. Any employee who becomes aware of a violation of laws or regulations must promptly report it to their supervisor or management.

4.2 Reporting Violations

If you suspect or become aware of any violations of laws, regulations, or this Code, please report them promptly through the company's established reporting channels.

5. Workplace Conduct

5.1 Professionalism

We maintain a professional and respectful workplace. Inappropriate behavior, including bullying, harassment, or violence, will not be tolerated.

5.2 Safety

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, and visitors. All employees are expected to follow safety protocols and report any safety concerns promptly.

5.3 Conflicts of Interest

Employees should avoid situations where personal interests could conflict with the interests of the company. If a conflict of interest arises, employees are required to disclose it promptly to their supervisor or management.

5.4 Confidentiality

We protect the confidentiality of company information and customer data. Employees are expected to use this information only for legitimate business purposes and not to disclose it to unauthorized individuals.

5.5 Use of Company Resources

We use company resources, including equipment, technology, and facilities, responsibly and efficiently. Employees are expected to use company resources for legitimate business purposes only.

6. Reporting Violations

6.1 Reporting Process

Employees are encouraged to report any violations of this Code of Conduct, unethical behavior, or concerns about potential wrongdoing through the company's established reporting channels, which may include contacting Human Resources, their supervisor, or an anonymous hotline.

6.2 Protection of Whistleblowers

KONPLOTT is committed to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation. Any employee who reports a violation in good faith will not face adverse employment consequences for doing so.

7. Consequences of Violations

7.1 Disciplinary Actions

Violation of this Code of Conduct, including the anti-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions, may result in disciplinary action. The nature and severity of the violation will determine the appropriate disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written warnings, suspension, or termination of employment or contract.

7.2 Legal Actions

Serious violations of this Code or any applicable laws may lead to legal action being taken against the responsible parties.

8. Conclusion

This Code of Conduct reflects KONPLOTT's unwavering commitment to ethical behavior, integrity, and creating a diverse and inclusive workplace free from discrimination. By adhering to these principles and guidelines, we contribute to the success and reputation of our company. KONPLOTT reserves the right to update, modify, or amend this Code of Conduct as necessary.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received, read, and understood KONPLOTT's Code of Conduct, including the anti-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions, and agree to comply with its principles and guidelines.