Short Bio

Kozhi Khasraw Abdullah, MSc  holder in Biochemistry at University of Sulaimani since 2020, working at Komar University of Science and Technology  as Full-time faculty member.

Academic Philosophy

Because teaching involves the simultaneous practice of many different talents, it is a challenging skill to perfect. A teacher must have a thorough understanding of the material covered in the courses, link pertinent activities to interest the students, promote conversations, provide lectures, put a behavior management system into place, and evaluate each student individually. Teaching can be simplified down to preparation, social skills, and material understanding, but it takes reflection to fine-tune each of the aforementioned components. To be a teacher in the true meaning is to be a learner, as Kierkegaard once stated. When you, the teacher, take the learner's perspective and start thinking like him, you might start to comprehend what and how he understands.