Kawis Aziz Faraj


Short Bio

Kawis Aziz Faraj Ph.D. in  Bioscience and Biotechnology – University of Strathclyde- Glasgow- Scotland. Currently Vice President for Academic Affairs  in  Komar University of Science and Technology,Sulaymani-Iraq.Head Department of Nutrition- Cihan University-Erbil-Iraq.  Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq. Research Scientist at Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATO) in Wagningen, Netherlands. Member of  the advisory committee of  Innovation Oriented research Program (IOP) in Netherlands, Dutch program for Tissue Engineering, European Council of European (Soft tissue engineering for congenital birth defects in children) Project, Biomaterial and Tissue engineering society in Netherlands.I collaborate with numerous research teams in Austria, Switzerlands, Sweden and Germany. personally presented many topics at National and International Scientific Congresses, Symposia and Seminars in Europe. My area of interest is modern tissue engineering Tailor-made “smart” Biomatrices, Oriented and gradient dual layer scaffolds, fabrication of electrospun  hybrid scaffolds from natural and synthetic polymer, knitted synthetic polymer.



Academic Philosophy

1.       Acquiring knowledge by instruction or study is learning, which, of course, is the purpose of education.

2.       I firmly believe that the best way to learn is to teach and one continues to learn all through one’s life. My students’ responses are the best source for improving my teaching techniques which are evolving on a continuous basis.

My Philosophy in Teaching:

The concepts of active learning and collaboration are central to my philosophy of education. My philosophy of teaching is to create an environment that allows for supervised exploration. I believe that the most significant learning occurs in situations that are both meaningful and realistic.

An effective teaching philosophy has a single focus or organizing theme and communicates this purpose to your audience clearly and persuasively. Before beginning to write, select one primary audience. An effective teaching philosophy also gives specific, concrete evidence of teaching effectiveness. In fact, for every assertion, there is an example or two. Giving specific examples is not as easy as it sounds. Read this on giving specific examples. A teaching philosophy explains the teaching goals that are common to all your classes and demonstrates how the pedagogy and assessments you use support those goals. It addresses self-improvement strategies, i.e., “what’s next?” for you as a teacher.

A constructivist approach to learning requires a diligent needs assessment to identify the starting knowledge base, and also continuing assessment of the student’s learning. This includes establishing well-reasoned and specific goals and objectives for each stage of training, and a willingness to be flexible when necessary to meet the individual learner’s needs. Regular formalized assessment and feedback are likewise vital. However, to really transition from a teacher-centered learning environment (such as the classroom) to a more learner-centered environment (such as the wards), students must identify learning needs in themselves, and assess their own progress. The use of portfolios, in the medical school, residency and faculty setting is one way that I have worked to foster self-assessment and help to instill life-long learning habits.