Diyari Othman

Short Bio

Welcome . . .

My name is Diyari Othman Karim, and I am an assistant lecturer in the department of Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) at College of Science, Komar University for Science and Technology (KUST).

The following section outlined my academic trajectory:

College of Health - Sulaimany Polytechnic University (SPU)

Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Iraq

College of Health - Sulaimany Polytechnic University (SPU)

Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Iraq

Sulaimani Technical Institute (STI) - Sulaimany Polytechnic University (SPU)

Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Iraq

Academic Philosophy

In the Term of Personal Study

I am deeply interested in advancing my studies to enhance my knowledge within the scope of my profession. My aspiration is to become a valuable contributor to my community, akin to a beacon of light illuminating a darkened path. This is the reason why I am eagerly pursuing a Ph.D.

In the Term of Teaching Skill

In the realm of effective knowledge dissemination, it is paramount to emphasize the foundational element of communication. Amongst the myriad forms of communication, the establishment of a friendly rapport with students is a pivotal choice. This approach serves to engender an atmosphere of openness and comfort, thereby fostering a receptive environment in which students are better prepared for diverse educational experiences.