Madrichim Micro-Credential
A Service Learning Community
This is a pilot year for the Madrichim Micro-Credential - we are thrilled to have several youth who will join us. As a community we want to invest in the next generations and create meaningful multi-generational experiences at Kol Haverim. Here is how we think having a Madrichim Micro-Credential might do that:
A service learning community supports the collective learning and capacity building of the youth working in our religious school
By having a learning community that focuses on each person, we can tailor how each madrichim can contribute with their time, interests, talents and even their superpowers (Why do I need to know my superpower?
A service learning project supports individual and community needs (See video below for further info)
A micro credential lets you show what your time and effort has accomplished (See article below for why)
What kind of Madrichim Micro-Credentials are there?
You can earn one or more of these Specific Credentials:
Madrichim Micro-Credential in Hebrew
Madrichim Micro-Credential in Judaica
Madrichim Micro-Credential in Age/Grade Level Learning
Tots and Pre-Kindergarten Learning
Kindergarden - Grade 2 Learning
Grades 3 - 5 Learning
Grades 6 - 8 Learning
What do I need to do to earn a Madrichim Micro-Credential?
To earn a credential you need to:
Complete 2 years of service in Hebrew, Judaica or the specific Grade Level
If you recieved an email/text an invitation the 2022 - 2023 year of service counts towards your first year!
During each of those 2 years you:
Engage in a minimum of 25 hours in direct service with students
This means be in a religious school classroom one day of the week during the weeks Kol Haverim religious school is in session - yep, totally do able!
Participate in a minimum of 5 hours in capacity building sessions specific for Madrichim
This means attending two or three session during the school year focused on you and your learning
Complete a service learning project in the assigned classroom
This is a you-project that serves our religious school community. You will have a mentor throughout the year to help you figure what you want to do and how it will benefit our community.
What kind of benefits are there for me now or later?
You are part of a youth community at Kol Haverim
You have people and a space, Room 6, to ask questions, hear compliments and learn new skills.
You will have an experienced mentor to support you and your in specific project throughout the year.
Your responsibilities are not more hours, just more learning power in your hours!
You can designate the years of service on your resume for internship and employment, for example
Madrichim Micro-Credential in Hebrew;
Madrichim Micro-Credential in Grade 3-5 Learning
5 years of experience as Madrichim
You can make visible your efforts, competencies and accomplishments for college or career.
What does service learning mean?
What does it do for me?
Why does credentialng matter?
What is it exactly?