Madrichim Micro-Credential 

A Service Learning Community


This is a pilot year for the Madrichim Micro-Credential - we are thrilled to have several youth who will join us.  As a community we want to invest in the next generations and create meaningful multi-generational experiences at Kol Haverim.  Here is how we think having a Madrichim Micro-Credential might do that:


What kind of Madrichim Micro-Credentials are there?

You can earn one or more of these Specific Credentials:

What do I need to do to earn a Madrichim Micro-Credential?

To earn a credential you need to:

What kind of benefits are there for me now or later?

Madrichim Micro-Credential in Hebrew; 

Madrichim Micro-Credential in Grade 3-5 Learning

5 years of experience as Madrichim


What does service learning mean? 

What does it do for me?

Why does credentialng matter?

What is it exactly?