How We Work

How do Kognites describe Kognity in one word?

Flexible & Remote Work

It's simple — do what works best for you 

We take breaks and do personal stuff during the daytime.

Taking breaks can look different depending on who you are.  We know it can be hard to fit everything in around “typical working hours” — even more so if you have children at home.  

Early bird or night owl? Plan your work accordingly.

Kognites have the freedom of starting their day later or finishing it earlier while having ownership of getting their work done. 

Take vacation time to recharge. 

All Kognites have 30 days of vacation per year, regardless of location. 

We want you to bring your whole self to Kognity 💚

We care about your well-being — at work and at home

We trust each other – empowering you to do your best work with autonomy

We have an open culture with a flat hierarchy, so you can explore new ideas and ways of working

Your work is meaningful and impactful


As a new joiner, we’ll give you a warm welcome and get you up to speed quickly.

Our thorough onboarding process provides new Kognites with all of the tools, training and support they need, so they’ll want to stay and succeed with us.

Reading List💡

We’ll provide you with lots of handy information when you join, including a guide to communication and systems at Kognity, a glossary of terms and abbreviations you may hear in your daily work, and more…

Meet Our Customers and Users 💚

“We drive customer value” is one of our five values. All new Kognites get opportunities to speak to our users straight away, as well as access to useful recordings of calls with customers.

Live Sessions 💬 

Small-group sessions with the members of the Executive Leadership team and more. 

Kognity Academy

Kognity Academy is our company-wide development function. The activities are relevant for all Kognites and aim to enhance our behaviors and skills.  Depending on the desired outcome, there are several formats to be used. 

Sessions  👥

Courses 👩‍🏫

Lunch & Learn 🍱

Book Circles 📚