
2024 Special Seminar - 5/13 Monday 6:30PM (RSVP)

KOEA would like to invite you to join a 2024 KOEA special seminar presented by Amb. Joohyeon Baik with the title of "Ukraine War and Energy Security Crisis". 

Amb. Baik currently works for the law firm SHIN and KIM as an advisor and he served as 2015-2017 Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Houston.

The seminar will be held at Korea House on Monday, May 13th, 2024. Dinner will be served. Please RSVP if you want to participate in the session.

Where:  Korea House (10078 Long Point Rd, Houston, TX 77055)

When: 5/13/2024 Monday 6:30pm

Seminar Title:  Ukraine War and Energy Security Crisis

Presenter: Amb. Joohyeon Baik


Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues with the RSVP invitation link.

Thanks and regards,

Kunho Kim - President of KOEA 2024