Academic Profile of a Teaching Staff at Knowledge University

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Mustafa Abdulmunem Zainel

Dr. Mustafa A. Zainel (مصطفى عبد المنعم زينل), is an Assistant Lecturer of Human Anatomy, joined the Knowledge University in September 2021 as an assistant lecturer of human anatomy at the College of pharmacy. He worked in the academic field of human anatomy for about two years starting from Hawler Medical University – College of Medicine and Koya University – School of Medicine then joined Knowledge University. He also has more than 10 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector with a proven record, a professional history, curriculum vitae full of accomplishments, and national and international awards.

His areas of teaching are Human anatomy modules: Clinical anatomy, Radio-anatomy, Systemic Anatomy, Regional anatomy, Basic anatomy, Histology, and Embryology.

Mustafa got the M.Sc. in anatomy, Department of Basic Sciences, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil – Kurdistan Region of Iraq (2020). (The thesis title is Prevalence and Variations of Aberrant Renal Artery in Kidney Donors).


Full Name: Mustafa A. Zainel

Academic Rank: Assistant lecturer

Qualification: Master is Human Anatomy

Post: Assistant Lecturer  

Department: College of Pharmacy

Mobile phone: (+964) -  (0) 750 9742354

ORCID: Mustafa Zainel (0000-0002-0533-6166)

Google Scholar Link: ‪Mustafa AbdulMonamZainel‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬ 

PF&CAD link: click here


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