About Knox Jewish Club

What is Jewish Club?

The Knox Jewish Club is an organization devoted to an understanding of Judaism and Jewish culture. It's a place for Jewish students to meet each other, and for non-Jewish students to learn about Judaism in a non-classroom setting.

Acknowledging the diversity of religious and cultural traditions represented at Knox, the Jewish Club encourages open discussion and promotes mutual understanding and respect within the Knox Community. In past years, the Jewish Club has sponsored or participated in a variety of activities, including the following:

        • Shabbat dinners

        • Speakers and films on such subjects as the Holocaust, religious observance, Soviet Jewry, Israel, Arab-Israeli relations, intermarriage

        • Knox's International Fair, more commonly known as I-fair

        • Leading Friday evening services at Galesburg's synagogue, Temple Sholom

        • Passover Seders

While continuing these sorts of activities, the club is always open to new suggestions. Let us know what your interests are!